Modern monsters and how to tame them - Part 2

Key points

  • Modern monsters are pressures brought upon us by our modern societies.

  • Due to the impacts of consumerism and our social need to not miss out, we can easily end up under undue financial pressure.

  • Financial pressure is simple to deal with but not easy because of our thoughts, habits, and emotions.

  • The fifth monster is digital distraction - the soaking up of our attention by devices, sometimes with fatal consequences.

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Modern monsters (Part 2) by Rob Bialostocki

Explore the last two in the list of five pressures modern life brings against us. Deal with them, or they'll deal with you!

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Rob Bialostocki

Hi there, I’m Rob and I love thinking, writing and speaking about living a life that matters, and becoming a better person in your second half of life. I’ve worked as a professional radio announcer, event producer, and for over 25 years a learning and development specialist in the corporate and professional services worlds. I have tertiary qualifications in science, teaching and psychology. I like to walk the talk so you get real, honest ideas and insights for your own life. Get in touch anytime.



5 Modern monsters and how to tame them - Part 1