Grow Wiser with Rob Bialostocki

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It’s inevitable that every year (in fact every second) we just get older.

It’s a reality of being a biological organism.

There are many positives and advantages to getting older.

You don’t have to worry about what everyone thinks anymore.

You can pick and choose what you spend your time on.

If you have children, by the time you’re 50 or more they may have moved out.

You know things.

You know that you don’t know everything.

So that’s all good.

But, there’s a world of difference between getting older and actually growing up.

You can be 70 and still immature in some key areas.

Stuck, as it were.

You can be 30 and be emotionally well-grounded.

But at 30, you only have 30 years’ perspective, so there’s a way to go.

But growing fully as a person?

That’s not guaranteed.

It depends on your desire to do so, your level of awareness of self and how things work, and your ability to cultivate wiser ways of thinking and being.

It depends on who you hang around with, to some degree.

What you read, or don’t.

Whether you care.

So as the years roll by, don’t just celebrate each birthday as you age.

That’ll happen anyway.

Make a determination that you will grow, mature, and keep learning.

Because the best people always do.

That’s how they become the best people.

By aiming to be their best.

Not just the oldest.

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