Freedom is yours because nothing is set in stone
Key points
Everything was once brand new - it’s all come about.
Change shows us that nothing is set in stone.
Apart from permanent physical outcomes, nothing cannot be changed.
It’s possible to change your work, relationships, health, and interactions.
You have choice - exercise it to gain more freedom and joy in your life.
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Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash
Everything was once new
No matter what you look at, whether it's a mountain, building, person or sunset, one thing's for sure: it has come about, it was once new.
Let's call this the act of creation (not to be confused with the Christian myth). Creation is a fundamental reality of life. Things come to be whether they're brought about by Nature or by the imagination and effort of humans.
Of course, there's another fundamental reality: nothing stays the same. I'd go so far as to say that nothing lasts forever. Stars burn out. Mountains erode. The pyramids are slowly crumbling. Empires implode. Ideas change. Paint fades. People don't last much longer than 100 years. Let’s call this the act of change.
Nothing lasts forever
You could almost say that existence itself comes down to two things: creation and change.
It's for these reasons that I love Spring. The new shoots, leaves and flowers come out again despite my poor attempts at pruning last year!
In fact, the theatre of the outdoors is a wonderful place to see both creation and change working together in a continuous dance of life.
And in particular, Spring reminds me that nothing is set in stone.
Nothing cannot be changed in your life
We humans often act as if our choices, circumstances, surroundings, and experiences are set, determined, and unchangeable in many ways.
This is simply not true.
Nothing cannot be changed.
Of course, a permanent physical disability is forever. And yes, the death of a loved one is irreversible, while the consequences of a past decision have now occurred.
But as far as your life from hereon is concerned, everything is up for grabs. Everything can be created or re-created.
Let’s Look at Some Examples
If you're not happy in your work, you can change it.
If you're feeling stuck in a relationship, it can be improved or even left behind.
If you're not feeling healthy, you can do something about it.
If you don't like what's being said to you, you can ask them to stop, or you can walk away.
Nothing is set in stone.
If you don't believe in your god anymore, you can stop.
If you no longer enjoy your industry, you can leave it behind for something else that brings you life again.
If you don't like where you live anymore, you can start looking for better alternatives.
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash
Nothing is set in stone
If you feel like it is, if you feel stuck, or that you can't change ask yourself, why is that?
More importantly, ask who is saying that.
And what power am I giving that entity/person over my life, my choices?
It may be you that's telling you you can't change.
If that's the case, why? What's behind that?
Chances are, it's fear:
Of the unknown and not knowing how to proceed.
Of making a mistake and what that might cost.
Of having to grow up more.
We’re not promoting running away here
There's a lot to be said for sticking things out when the going gets tough. My Dad often talks about the value of perseverance. But that only applies to situations you want to retain. Where it's worth having a very good go at improving them.
But, where the situation involves another person or people, it takes two to tango, as they say. If the other party doesn't want to dance, you don't need to keep waiting for them. (If you do want to, that's different. But you don't have to.)
It's your choice.
Freedom is yours for the taking
A life that matters involves continuing what you value, enjoy and are committed to. It also involves creating new possibilities and fresh starts for yourself and those you love and serve.
So, don't sell yourself short by thinking you can't change what's no longer working. That you have to stay stuck.
You don’t.
You are free to change. You have full permission.
The question is, will you?
Because nothing is set in stone.
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