Ep 12 - What’s your note to Self?

What this episode is about

While I don’t advocate planning everything in your life out to the nth degree, I do think it’s wise to reflect on the past and distil a few key lessons and guidelines for the future. I mean, who wants to repeat the same mistakes or poor choices? Let’s use the idea of calling yourself 10 years ago for one minute.

Key points

  • If you called yourself 10 years ago, for one minute, what would you tell yourself?

  • It’s a good exercise for identifying what’s important in life; by reflecting on the past.

  • Key areas could involve health, money, friendships, career choices, use of time etc.

  • Identify your advice to yourself from here on in.

From this Episode

“Sometimes we’re not too good at (identifying what’s important in life) in the future, but we recognise it in the past.”


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I’d love to hear from you if you have any comments, ideas or questions. Or even if you just need a sounding board for something you’re currently thinking about.


Rob Bialostocki

Hi there, I’m Rob and I love thinking, writing and speaking about living a life that matters, and becoming a better person in your second half of life. I’ve worked as a professional radio announcer, event producer, and for over 25 years a learning and development specialist in the corporate and professional services worlds. I have tertiary qualifications in science, teaching and psychology. I like to walk the talk so you get real, honest ideas and insights for your own life. Get in touch anytime.


Ep 14 - Good news! You can’t do that anymore.


Ep 13 - Are we growing up or just growing older?