Grow Wiser with Rob Bialostocki

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Ep 1 - The Stoics were right

What this episode is about

The Stoics weren’t a bunch of boring people discussing being serious. They promoted virtues as a way of building your character. In this episode, we introduce the Stoic way of thinking, highlight some positive ideas, and suggest how we too can continue to grow by pursuing virtue and wisdom in our everyday life.


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The stoics were right Rob Bialostocki

Key points

  • what Stoicism really is (and what it's not)

  • why it is completely relevant to today's world

  • how we can cultivate more virtue in our lives

  • why doing so builds resilience, calm, and a sense of meaning

  • a book recommendation that'll keep you going for a year

  • a simple personal growth tool I regularly use to help me become a better person.

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